I fjor flyttet familien til Bergen, og nå sier jeg takk og farvel til Kulturtanken og Spillaben. Nå venter en ny jobb ved Vestnorsk Filmsenter.
I fjor flyttet familien til Bergen, og nå sier jeg takk og farvel til Kulturtanken og Spillaben. Nå venter en ny jobb ved Vestnorsk Filmsenter.
En kritisk refleksjon over nostalgi, mental helse og samfunnets skygger på bygda.
Min datter på 4, Twin#1, har begynt å like fotball, og det er både fantastisk og forferdelig
En veileder i formidling av dataspill som kulturuttrykk. Dataspill er et av de viktigste kunst- og kulturuttrykkene vi har i dagens samfunn.
During the 6th International Teaching Artists Conference, at the beginning of September, I held a talk about video games as a catalyst for change, and our experiences with using video games in an cultural and artistic context in the Cultural Schoolbag program. It turned out to be a great session, with participants with many different backgrounds from all over the world.
The Wheel of Time tv-series is an impatient show that feels hampered by the sourcematerial. It wants to be the next Game of Thrones, but it’s not even the next The Shannara Chronicles.
The death of creativity, creative struggles, writers’ block, apathy, lack of inspiration, can’t be arsed; a rose by any other name still smells like feet. How can you feed your creative urges when everything else seize your attention and available time?
I love my phone, on a practical level, both as a means of communication and as a creative tool. It has one of the best cameras available, which is...
It’s Wednesday morning and I’m having a steaming cup of coffee while the little gremlins rolls around on the floor, and I’m watching the results of...
I'm currently attending a conference in Sweden, from the comfort of my own home office in Norway, with my daughter gooing and gaaing by my side. The...
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